Farm Updates…


Hope this finds everyone doing well while we all shelter in place! We’re holding down the fort and doing great here at the farm. All of the horses say “Hay!” and “Neigh!” We recently found out that North Carolina’s “stay-at-home” order has been extended to May 8th, so trying to keep busy and productive remains the priority. 

Some new and exciting things are brewing here on the website and at the farm proper. Upcoming - and ready to go live - are the new “Beginner Horsemanship” classes and “Beginner Riding” Group lessons, which will kick off when things begin their return to normalcy. We also have a great new “Basic Horsemanship” class that will start and run a few times a year; this class will touch on a diverse range of various topics, from handling to grooming and basic first aid. It’s open to anyone, so if you or someone you know is interested, keep an eye out for updates here.

We’re currently working on getting our new online farm shop up and running, too! It will feature an assortment of products bearing our logo - a great way to support and share your love of the farm with everyone! We’ll also be adding the option to purchase embroidered shirts and saddle pads in the near future. We should have the ability to special-order other embroidered items in addition to shirts and saddle pads as well, so keep checking back for the status of this new service periodically.

We still have one stall available on the farm for someone seeking boarding, lessons, and/or training! Reach out to us here if you’re interested.

Finally, we want to close out this week’s “What’s New” with a sincere “thank you” to everyone for being so supportive throughout the pandemic. It’s been heartening to continue seeing all of you, and we really appreciate the effort everyone is making to be so thoughtful, hygienic, and tidy. The extra washing, rinsing, and cleaning we’re witnessing before and after lessons and the time you spend with your horses makes us grateful to have such a fantastic barn family.

See you in the arena,



Summer 2020 Update…


Welcome to the Funny Farm…